Tuesday, July 23, 2013


"So close yet so far".  That's how i compare my 20 years of existence in this life. I can't say its the best year for me, nor the worst one. It's been a productive, stressful, depressing yet a self fulfilling year for me. Not just for my self, but for the people around me..


We had our recollection in a place (which i forgot the name) The event was very worth it. especially for us Seniors and for our class. I was into tears during the opening prayer with the song " a purpose driven life" on the background with sister(i forgot the name) speaking softly stuffs about life. I was really struck and moved. 


This was the start of our HELL LIFE (not literally).. THESIS! Title proposal/defense. Study methods. Test animals and the terror panels.  So our final thesis was entitled " The Antipyretic Activity of Okra Seed Extract (Abelmoschus esculentus) on White Mice"


This month was kinda tragic for me. My elementary teacher died. She's like my lucky charm.I will never forget those times when i have my competition. She would drag me in the corner and we'll pray together. and BOOM! I won.. I hate Math. But she taught me how to make friends with it.


Its my first time to witness the Ligum Dulom: an aswang festival in Dumangas, Iloilo.. 

We also visited this gigantic Mama Mary (I forgot the name again), and the 2nd largest bell (in Asia) in Capiz.. its such a nice and fun experience.. 


Preparing and hosting our last christmas party at Villa, Iloilo.. So self fulfilling.. :)

with my manita Kezia <3

As usual, celebrated the word CHRISTMAS and NEW YEAR in Sipalay with fam. :) 


Its no special month for a single like me ..

but i do joined our prom with the theme CASINO ROYALE

and the day after the prom we had our final defense. This is quite depressing cuz our study was approved on our 2nd try.


I didn't enjoyed  my Summer 13' cuz we had our review for our Comprehensive exam..

 But the sacrifice was all worth it. :)

MAY 30, 2013
Best day of my College life: Graduation!

with my chubby grad pic!

This one is better :)


I went to Sipalay to finally spend my summer vacation.. :)

 Another year is over for me... A lot of things happened. A lot has changed. I'm not a student anymore. Soon, i'll be taking my board exam and land a job (hopefully i could find a stable one). I'm not getting any younger. hahaha.. But one thing is for sure. As i grow up, I'm learning, I'm growing and maturing. 

Another chapter of my book is finished. Now is the time to face the next page of my life.

This is Dorenne Cabanilla Galvan, 20, now signing off :)))

Saturday, July 23, 2011

July 24,2010… The rain is pouring.It was my exam in biochemistry and I didn’t have the balls to study,.. The fact that its my examination day + some of my friends cant attend my small party + my boyfriend isn’t coming, + my party is so rushed + pouring rain= I was so stressed. I thought that damn day would be so much sh*t… Thank God it didn’t turned out that way.. I took the examination that afternoon of July 24 with my bulging eyes because I was crying all night for the reason that my boyfriend can’t make it to my day. I celebrated my bday with my relatives and friends. I really enjoyed that night even though the preparation was so much rushed and my boy isn’t coming.
We celebrated our patron saint’s day.. That was so much fun.. we also had our recollection at school.. Fry Vincent shared to us about his insights as well as off course Gods message about the word LOVE.. I have this quote glued in my mind (“the measure of love is to love without measure”). For me, in every relationship, there will always be someone who loves more than the other.
Nothing special.. just enjoying life with my friends family and boo.. J

November 13-  I attended my 2nd cousin Arlyn’s funeral. She died because of lopus.
November 13-We attended my best friend Ericka’s debut in Jolibee..
November 13- den galvan is no longer in a relationship
This month was the hardest month in my life.. I was super depress. Im just stucked in my room thinking many things.. Grieve , regrets, joy, hope, acceptance, forgiveness, LOVE? Im just so down that month..

We celebrated our Pharmacy Week.. We represented the sophomores in the Sayawit contest.. the whole preparation and performance was fun even though we didn’t made it..
We also had our Tribu Mais Christmas Party.
I celebrated my Christmas at my Granparent’s place..(as always)

Don’t ask me if I had a date on the 14th.. NO! hahaha.. but I spend the whole love month with my friends. We enjoyed each others company.. J
SUUUUUMMMEEERRRR… ahahaha.. (but im stuck in the house preparing for summer class + internship)
I had my community internship @ ZBD Pharmacy ( branch of EVZ pharmacy).. The internship was quiet tiring cause you have to dispense drugs for 8 hours standing. Since the pharmacy was just across the hospital, its so busy. People go back and forth buying medicines..
I bid my goodbyes to summer with my ’05 friends at S5 inland resort.. I really enjoyed that day. I really felt loved whenever im with them. They really love me and I love them so much.

Here we go 3rd year.. junior year has really arrived… my life was changed.. new classmates, new teachers, new schedule, new faces in the campus..
A year has passed.. minutes from now, ill be a year older… this year gave me lots of wonderful lessons in life. I thank God because He granted my wish to have someone to love when I stepped 18.  I’ve met different people of different lives..  He never left me behind. Wala ya gd q gina pabay an. If things don’t turn out my way, God made a way for me. I was loved, hated, backstabbed and taken care of. I don’t don’t have big time regrets for because of them(be it my friends, people who love me, boo, or the person who curse me from the time she knew me) I became stronger, wiser, smarter and matured.. 

my birthday wish
Happiness, goodhealth for me and my family and loved once, peace of mind and another fruitful year to come..

19 years and still existing